Longevity & Performance Optimization

For those seeking to both outlive and outperform, this assessment measures key markers that influence all-cause mortality, metabolic fitness, functional strength, movement, and healthspan.


NYC Performance Lab is the first facility in the NYC area to offer a comprehensive and affordable assessments that tell you where you stand in all key areas of longevity:

  • VO2 Max to assess your cardiorespiratory fitness

  • Body Composition to understand your ratio of muscle mass to fat

  • Resting Metabolic Rate to measure how your body burns calories

  • Grip Strength as a proxy for long-term upper body strength and mass

  • Functional Movement & Biomechanics to identify asymmetries, deficiencies, and imbalances that could impede performance gains and lead to future injury

Our clinically-validated tests are far more accurate than predicted data from wearable devices (from which we frequently observe wildly inaccurate results) and we use the same equipment as pro sports teams, elite military units, and top universities.

Or read on to learn more about the specific tests included ⤵

VO2 Max Analysis

  • From longevity luminaries like Dr. Peter Attia to professional athletes and fitness influencers, there is consensus that VO2 Max is one of the most powerful metrics to understand for those seeking to live a long and healthy life.

  • Our VO2 Max test will identify your target training zones to improve cardiorespiratory fitness with maximum efficiency (i.e. Zone 2 training for longer, more frequent cardio sessions at around ~70% of your max heart rate vs Zone 4 training when you go flat out at 90-100%).

  • A 2018 study of 122,007 patients showed “cardiorespiratory fitness was inversely associated with all-cause mortality without an observed upper limit of benefit”. The difference between those who tested “elite” were 5x more likely to survive over a ten year span than those who tested “low”. Even just going from “low” to “above average” was 60%+ reduction in mortality.

  • NYC Performance Lab is the only facility in NYC to give clients the option of performing their VO2 Max Test on a treadmill, bike (ours or yours), assault bike, or rowing machine. Run, ride, or row - the choice is yours!

3D Body Composition Scan

  • DEXA-level accuracy (+/- 2%) but faster and with no radiation exposure

  • Detailed body composition metrics including Visceral Fat, Subcutaneous Fat, Lean Mass, and Bone Mass

  • “Digital tape measure” provides 21 segmental measurements of your entire body (vs just 5 with DEXA), revealing insights beyond the scale

  • More precise and reliable than bioimpedance systems (InBody, eVolt, etc); results are not skewed by factors like hydration level, meals, or time of day

  • Non-invasive; safe for pregnant women, pacemakers, etc

  • Personalized 3D model created in real-time with each scan

  • Capture how your muscle tone, body fat, and posture develop over time with interactive high-fidelity visualizations

Resting Metabolic Rate Test

  • Understanding your Resting Metabolic Rate (or RMR) is critical to optimizing your diet and energy expenditure to meet your goals.

  • An accurate professional grade RMR test (powered by the same wireless mask used in our VO2 Max tests) will tell you how many calories your body burns in typical daily activities, allowing you to plan your caloric intake according to your weight management goals.

  • In addition, our report also includes related metrics and benchmarking for resting heart rate, heart rate variability, and metabolism speed.

  • RMR data can also be used by nutritionists, physicians, and other professionals when evaluating your metabolic function, health risks, and training protocols.

  • For those incorporating any type of fasting into their longevity or diet protocols, understanding your RMR is an important piece of the puzzle to consider.

Grip Strength Analysis

  • Research shows a strong correlation between grip strength and longevity, highlighting its importance as an indicator of upper body strength and muscle mass.

  • A weak grip can make it challenging to perform exercises with optimal form and even to fulfill activities of daily living later in life like opening a jar or twisting off a tight cap. On the contrary, a strong grip can be a crucial factor in preventing injuries like falls by enabling quick stabilization.

  • NYCPL’s grip strength tests are conducted using a state--of-the-art dynamometer that provides immediate visual feedback throughout a standardized series of grip tests.

  • Your follow-up report will include detailed metrics about your gripping force, asymmetries between your right and left hands, and normative data to benchmark you, allowing you to understand your baseline and improve their grip strength through targeted training strategies.

3D Movement Analysis

  • Healthy biomechanics are a pillar of long-term performance and wellbeing. The ability to move with stability, flexibility, and proper patterns is critical to preventing injury and supporting proper training.

  • Using the same advanced 3D motion capture technology used by pro sports teams and university sports performance labs, we conduct an in-depth 3D biomechanical analysis covering key single and multi-joint movements.

  • Our technology can detect imbalances in range of motion, limb asymmetry, and even small compensatory movements that could indicate a deficiency or stability issue.

  • Simple and clear reporting puts everything in context and provides actionable information that can used to adapt your training to address issues that were revealed.

  • Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just someone looking to stay as health as possible for as long as possible, 3D Movement Analysis can be a critical tool in your arsenal. By identifying and addressing foundational biomechanical issues that are impeding your progress today, you will accelerate your progress and prevent serious injury in the future.